Most Active Countries by Data Transfer

Time Period:
01.09.2003 0:00:06 - 10.09.2003 23:59:28
Report Template:
For sample

Description: This report shows visitor activity from different countries. It will suggest to you the direction of the web site development and the efforts for its promotion.

Rank Country Visitors Pages Files Data transfer(MB)
1 India 25 01.25% 6 00.26% 301 49.10% 151.791 40.37%
2 United States 789 39.47% 1129 49.60% 97 15.82% 75.943 20.20%
3 Russian Federation 85 04.25% 176 07.73% 41 06.69% 29.380 07.81%
4 Romania 51 02.55% 36 01.58% 59 09.62% 23.279 06.19%
5 Australia 53 02.65% 86 03.78% 18 02.94% 14.920 03.96%
6 Germany 136 06.80% 139 06.11% 9 01.47% 8.956 02.38%
7 Canada 51 02.55% 70 03.08% 12 01.96% 8.635 02.29%
8 Argentina 7 00.35% 0 00.00% 5 00.82% 4.991 01.32%
9 United Kingdom 103 05.15% 44 01.93% 6 00.98% 4.865 01.29%
10 Taiwan, Republic of China 10 00.50% 12 00.53% 4 00.65% 4.166 01.10%
11 Papua New Guinea 1 00.05% 0 00.00% 4 00.65% 3.966 01.05%
12 Netherlands 51 02.55% 32 01.41% 3 00.49% 3.531 00.93%
13 Greece 13 00.65% 84 03.69% 2 00.33% 2.671 00.71%
14 France 52 02.60% 28 01.23% 2 00.33% 2.548 00.67%
15 Italy 40 02.00% 18 00.79% 3 00.49% 2.440 00.64%
16 Belgium 28 01.40% 19 00.83% 2 00.33% 2.202 00.58%
17 Finland 16 00.80% 12 00.53% 2 00.33% 2.183 00.58%
18 Ukraine 14 00.70% 2 00.09% 2 00.33% 2.162 00.57%
19 Spain 36 01.80% 4 00.18% 3 00.49% 2.147 00.57%
20 Estonia 4 00.20% 10 00.44% 3 00.49% 2.140 00.56%
21 Switzerland 15 00.75% 7 00.31% 2 00.33% 2.108 00.56%
22 Philippines 8 00.40% 0 00.00% 5 00.82% 2.047 00.54%
23 Brazil 24 01.20% 8 00.35% 10 01.63% 2.027 00.53%
24 Costa Rica 5 00.25% 1 00.04% 2 00.33% 2.027 00.53%
25 Luxembourg 1 00.05% 0 00.00% 2 00.33% 1.912 00.50%
26 Sudan 30 01.50% 26 01.14% 2 00.33% 1.480 00.39%
27 Austria 15 00.75% 33 01.45% 1 00.16% 1.405 00.37%
28 Israel 10 00.50% 12 00.53% 1 00.16% 1.305 00.34%
29 Kazakhstan 1 00.05% 31 01.36% 1 00.16% 1.293 00.34%
30 Denmark 28 01.40% 16 00.70% 2 00.33% 1.202 00.31%
31 Korea, Republic of 14 00.70% 12 00.53% 1 00.16% 1.147 00.30%
32 Hong Kong 12 00.60% 0 00.00% 1 00.16% 1.030 00.27%
33 Singapore 11 00.55% 0 00.00% 1 00.16% 1.026 00.27%
34 Mexico 13 00.65% 68 02.99% 0 00.00% 0.620 00.16%
35 Slovenia 7 00.35% 45 01.98% 0 00.00% 0.546 00.14%
36 New Zealand 11 00.55% 22 00.97% 0 00.00% 0.236 00.06%
37 Antigua and Barbuda 1 00.05% 13 00.57% 0 00.00% 0.156 00.04%
38 Portugal 9 00.45% 13 00.57% 0 00.00% 0.155 00.04%
39 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 1 00.05% 32 01.41% 0 00.00% 0.142 00.03%
40 Viet Nam 2 00.10% 0 00.00% 0 00.00% 0.135 00.03%
41 Czech Republic 10 00.50% 2 00.09% 0 00.00% 0.118 00.03%
42 Thailand 10 00.50% 3 00.13% 0 00.00% 0.093 00.02%
43 China 14 00.70% 4 00.18% 0 00.00% 0.072 00.01%
  Remains 182 09.10% 21 00.92% 4 00.65% 0.723 00.19%
  Total 1999 2276 613 375

Report generated by Alterwind Log Analyzer Professional